R L AUSTIN (1961-1969)
Subject: Economics
Ron Austin graduated at Cardiff University College in 1955, did National Service in the Army, and taught in Southampton before coming to WHSB in 1961 as Economics Master, replacing Mr Cochrane. He was given the task of building up the Economics Department, which he did with considerable success judging by the fact that the Economics Department became one of the largest Sixth Form Departments, with a high A-Level pass rate and gaining a virtual monopoly of the prizes in the London Chamber of Commerce Higher Examination in Economics. This success was mirrored in the steady stream of boys who went on to read Economics at University, including several who were awarded Scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge. Much of this success was no doubt brought about by Ron’s inspired and inspiring approach where even the most complicated and normally dull economic theories were enlivened with humour.

His academic interests, which he enthusiastically shared with both the school and the outside community, encompassed a wider field than Economics. In world affairs he had a special interest in American studies, he ran a course in General Studies, and he gave lectures for the Workers’ Educational Association.
His interest in world affairs led him to organise a society in which sixth-formers could discuss international affairs, and he also helped to establish the Leviathan Society in which sixth-formers could discuss topics of common interest. From this Society was spawned the annual mock election, an event which Ron organised and in which several local schools took part.
On the sporting front at various times he ran the 1st XI Cricket team and the Chess Club, and was responsible for school tennis. Outside school he played cricket for the Scots Guards and the Old Azurians, and chess for Hampshire.
He left the school in 1969 to take up the position of Deputy Headmaster at Queen’s High School in Newport, South Wales.