The New Site of the Old Azurians Association

for ex-pupils of
Worthing High School for Boys
Worthing Sixth Form College
Worthing College
Ken Panchen started this site in 2014. It replaced the original Worthing Azurians site created by Hugh Mooney in 2010. As with the the preceding site, this site is intended to be a source of information for ex-pupils of Worthing High School for Boys and its successors Worthing Sixth Form College and Worthing College. The long-term aims are to compile historical information about the schools and the people who worked and studied in those establishments, and to provide a facility for ex-pupils to make contact with one another.
Ken Panchen passed away in August 2020. If you would like to volunteer to take over Ken's role, please get in touch using the Contact Us page.
If you would like to get in touch with your old schoolmates, or have records for the archive, please use the Contacts Us page. Contributions of anecdotes, photographs and historical information about the schools will be gratefully received and preserved, though space restrictions may not permit everything to be published permanently.
We would not have got this far without Hugh's efforts in starting the website project, the help given by Worthing College and donations of material by individuals, so please keep your contributions coming. With your help I will aim to keep this website alive and active.

Ludwig Stift
By a strange quirk of fate details of the last Old Azurian casualty of WW2 to be added to the IN MEMORIAM page were finally unearthed on the 11th of November 2019. After several years of searching for J D Martin it was found that, although attached to the RAF, he had not been classed as a military casualty, and, because his death was not caused by enemy action, his grave was not listed on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission web site.
Ed: I am indebted to Pam Wilson, who is researching Worthing's war dead, for her part in finding the last part of the puzzle.
If anyone knows the whereabouts of a copy of the music for the School Song, the Lectern donated by the Old Azurians Association in memory of Rolfe Martin, or the School Organ please will they contact me. Ed.
School Admission Records
Enquiries about School Admission Records for individual pupils of Worthing High School for Boys should be directed to me. Certain conditions may have to be met before any details can be released.
The 2020 AGM & Dinner have been
postponed until the autumn
See the events page