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The names of seventy-one ex-pupils of the school are inscribed on the memorial board that took a place of honour in the old school buildings in Broadwater Road. That board now hangs in Worthing College. There is also a Memorial Stone in the Grounds of the College where a Service of Remembrance is held each year.

Old Azurians and relatives attending the Remembrance Ceremony 

11 November 2014

Ed - Brief notes have now been compiled for all of the 71 men listed on this board. Click on the links on the right to see them. Some of the notes have links to more information, for example where decorations were awarded.

The links below lead to information about some other Old Boys who are known to have served in the armed forces during WW2.  If anyone can add information to this section please get in touch with me.

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Some entries were updated on 31 October 2017

WW2 entry

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