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Surnames M to N

Frederick John Marrington: Flight Sergeant RAF of 210 Squadron died on 9 June 1944, aged 20. He was a crew member on Catalina JX574 that failed to return from a patrol North of Shetland. A message was received from the aircraft reporting that it was flying over a U-boat, and subsequent messages indicated that it had been damaged. Commemorated at Runnymede Memorial (no known grave). Parents (Frederick T M & Christina C?) lived at 27 St Thomas's Road Worthing.

Born 7/9/1922; school years 1934-39.

James Douglas Martin: James was a Civil Servant who had been attached to the RAF in Egypt for four years when he died in the General Hospital in Cairo on 14 February 1942, aged 25. The circumstances of his death are unknown, but appear not to have been as a result of enemy action. 

Commemorated at Cairo New British Protestant Cemetery, Egypt: Plot E Grave 263.

At home he had led an active social life and had many friends. His parents Mr & Mrs J H Martin lived at 2 Franklin Road, Durrington.

Born 20/9/1916; School years 1928-34.


Bernard Victor Mason: Sergeant RAFVR was killed on the night of 24/25 August 1941 when, returning from a raid on Dusseldorf, Hampden X3121 of 83 Squadron RAF Scampton, in which he was a crew member, collided with a Hampden of 49 Squadron also from Scampton. Both aircraft came down 7 miles NNE of Blackthorn, Lincolnshire. There were no survivors. Buried in St John the Baptist churchyard, Scampton.

Born 19/9/21; school years 1933-1938; address 16 The Steyne Worthing.


Michael James Meatyard: Pilot Officer RAFVR,  born in Steyning on 6 July 1923, completed his air navigator training in March 1943. While based at RAF North Luffington he volunteered for an additional training flight in a Wellington bomber for a night-time navigational training flight on 6 May 1943. Flying through low cloud in County Durham, the aircraft crashed onto high ground and all crew members were killed. He was buried in Henfield Cemetery Sectio F, Grave 33.

Born 6/7/1923. School years 1934-39; lived at Corton Parkside Shoreham.


Ralph Swinden Meirick: Acting Lt. RNVR missing, presumed killed , aged 29, when HM Trawler Arctic Trapper, RN Patrol Service, was attacked by enemy aircraft and sunk on 3 February 1941 off Ramsgate. The trawler had been attacked by enemy bombers the previous year but on that occasion the crew had shot down two bombers and probably damaged two others without sustaining any casualties. Commemorated on Lowestoft Naval Memorial. Parents William and Winifred Margaret; wife Eileen lived in Wimbledon.

Born 3/9/1911; school years 1924-28; went to London School of Economics; worked for Westminster Bank Head Office.

Kenneth Jesse Merritt: Flight Lt (Navigator) RAFVR died on 5 October 1944 aged 24. Commemorated at Maynamati War Cemetery, Bangladesh.

He joined the RAF early in 1940, aged 19, and was promoted to Pilot Officer Navigator in 1941. He served in the Middle East before being transferred to Burma where he was promoted to Flight Lieutenant on 8 March 1944. He was a popular local musician, soloist in St Andrew’s Church choir and a member of Frank Birckett’s Orchestra, he also set up a band while he was in India. Parents Jesse and Elizabeth lived at 113 Pavilion Road, Worthing.

Born 12/5/1920; school years 1931-36.


Charles Henry Milner: Leading Airman Fleet Air Arm, aged 20, had had several lucky escapes, including one where his plane crashed and he was trapped for 15 minutes before being released. His luck ran out on 17 January 1941  when SS Almeda Star, on which Milner was a passenger, , was torpedoed by a U-boat. Milner, together with 21 officers and 120 other ratings were on their way to HMS Goshawk, a FAA station on Trinidad. Commemorated on Lee-on-Solent Memorial. His parents Ebenezer Lyle and Clara Annie lived at 16 Twitten Way Worthing.

Born 1/5/1920; school years 1933-26.


Gordon Lincoln Mitchell: 2nd Lt. Royal Engineers was killed on 15 December 1942, aged 20, less than a year after he was commissioned from cadet.

He was training his men in the use of explosives at a military unit in northern England when an explosion threw debris into the air and Gordon was struck on the head by a large stone. His skull was broken and he never regained consciousness. According to his CO Gordon, despite his youth, was developing into a fine officer who was well-liked and respected by his men. His family had moved to Worthing from Clapham Park in London when Gordon was a boy. At school he showed exceptional promise, but volunteered for the services as soon as he left school. Buried at Durrington Cemetery on 23 December 1942. Parents Walter Lincoln and Winifred lived at 5 Park Avenue Worthing.

Born 22/9/1922; school years 1934/-41.


Arthur Alfred Mundy: Able Seaman RN, HMS Prince of Wales missing, presumed killed, on 10 December 1941 when Naval Squadron known as Force Z was off the coast of Malaya without air protection. Two capital ships, Prince of Wales and Repulse were sunk by Japanese aircraft. Commemorated on Plymouth Naval Memorial. Parents Henry George and Ada Mary lived at 54 Wick Street Littlehampton.

Born 8/3/1920; school years 1930-36.


John Frederick Mustchin: Sergeant RAF aged 19, a crew member of Lancaster DS 652 of 115 Squadron, RAF East Wretham was killed during a bombing raid on Bochum on 12/13 June 1943. The aircraft was lost without trace but is known to have been shot down by a night fighter over the Waddensee, Netherlands . Commemorated on Runnymede Memorial (no known grave). Guardian Mrs E Mustchin lived in West Chiltington.

Born 19/10/1923; school years 1936-1940.


Roy Sidney Neale: Sergeant (air gunner) RAFVR in 25 Squadron RAF Castle Camps, Essex died on 4 May 1945 (the day of the German unconditional surrender at Luneberg Heath) age 20. Buried at Belgrade War Cemetery. Parents Frederick George & Ada Bessie lived in Brighton (ex 14 Clarendon Road Worthing).

Born 5/5/1925; school years 1936-41.

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