The School Magazine
The first issue of the school magazine, The Azurian, appeared at the end of the first term in April 1924, and was published at the end of every term during the lifetime of the school.
The magazine described itself as "the magazine of the High School for Boys, Worthing". However, at the opening of the school on 15 January 1924, the school's official title, cited for nearly a decade in the various official records and in newspaper reports, was the 'Secondary School for Boys, Worthing'.
The joint editors were pupils: C J Boyden and J Bailey. They explained the title of the magazine as deriving from the background colour of the Sussex county badge: six martlets on a field azure. The badge and motto appeared on the azure cover of the magazine for most of its life. The Advisory editor was J T Turner, head of English.
The foreward was written by headmaster Rolfe Martin. He said that the school met a long-felt need in a town the size of Worthing, where there was no higher education for boys. He stressed the value of the school motto: Be Honest.
There is a photograph of the eight founding staff members, in the quadrangle of the school. Seated are: L E Littlewood, R G Martin (Headmaster) and J T Turner (Second Master). Standing behind are: J J Johnson, A V Scudamore, T R Holland, W E Rees and A R H Martin.