H D COCHRANE (1924-1959)
Subject: Economics
H D Cochrane joined the school in the autumn term of 1924, one of the distinguished second tranche of staff members. He was educated at Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge. His principal teaching role in the school was to teach Economics, but he engaged in many other activities that benefited the school community. In April 1941, along with J T Turner, he was commissioned Acting Pilot Officer RAFVR to serve with the Air Training Corps No. 974 Flight (WHSB).
It is difficult to track down all of the activities that Mr Cochrane took part in during his 37 years with the school, but they included being Senior house Master for Saxons, and the founder of the School National Savings Group, which he ran for nearly 30 years. The annual School Bazaar that funded the School Scholarship Endowment Fund was an event at which his participation could be relied upon, and the roles he played in it were many and varied.
He officially retired after the summer term in 1959, though he returned for another year on a part time basis.