Eric Richardson (1946-1953) wrote this for the 2008 annual dinner
An enormous debt I feel is owed
To the temporary building in Broadwater Road.
Opened in 1924
And then extended more and more
Until by Government decree
Like many grammars – it ceased to be.
Abolished by party political crap
Abolished by those who gave not a rap
For a sound education – now after debate
They appear to regret it – too bloody late.
Now remember the men who did their best
To educate us and all the rest
Who had the privilege to be
In the wooden huts at WHSB.
Headmasters Martin & JTT
And Johnny Johnson – good men all three
Who presided over a splendid staff
Who gave education, discipline and many a laugh.
Larry Littlewood & Basil Bush
Junior chemy lab, who at a push
Could be as explosive, believe you me
As anything made in his laboratory.
J A Smith, Joslin, Caswell, Gravett
And the cricketer, Frosty Foinette
Who frightened all juniors & possibly God
With his regular shout of ‘Don’t run in the quad’.
Dear Sidney Earnshaw, a chain smoker he,
I thought it strange that he should be
King of the rifle range, always joking
When scholars were beaten if found there smoking.
Speaking of Strange, who can forget Ken,
Born with a gammy, the nicest of men.
Oiler Rees and Andy, a great voice had he
He bellowed & bellowed when coaching rugby.
Hannaford Turner left a leg out in France.
Hugh Jay, PTI also taught us to dance.
McLeod & MacRae & Cochrane the economist
And Bram Coombs’ nice father, senior physicist
Long and thin Ludlow – an historical brain
Rode his bike with his brolly up should it happen to rain.
Hunt, Allchin, Brooke and dear Willie West,
Waugh and Gilps Gilpin, he was one of the best.
Coobags Cooling, always great fun
Gave us Trevor and David, well done old son.
Max H Fuller – in love with the Bard
Never knew we were trying so awfully hard
To understand speeches for certificate passes
Whilst counting the times he took off his glasses.
Bully Beef Evans died far too young
Alec Wurr, such a nice man, who made history fun.
Major Harridge taught the CCF to follow the gun.
Mr Etheridge coached basketball and sometimes we won.
The good golfer Dickinson surrounded by glass,
Liked by all those in his art class.
Remember Mr Peryer whose first love was chess.
Stinks Jenkins – senior – chemistry – who hated a mess.
Newman, first OA to return to teach sinners.
Miss Gaertner, catering, organised school dinners.
Mr Secretary Cater of those dinners missed few
A prisoner of the bloody Japs, hardly anyone knew.
BUT THE High School will never cease to be
As long as the likes of thee and me
In order to meet old friends from the past
Attend this annual – fun – repast.
So gentlemen please get up off your arses
Stand to attention and raise your glasses
To drink a toast, if you please, with me
To the Headmasters and staff of WHSB.