J C Ludlow (1946-1968)
Subject: History
His early life was spent in Sweden but he was educated at an English Grammar School and Oxford University where his academic record was distinguished. Mr Ludlow joined the school in 1946, taking over as Senior History Master from Mr A Rae who had been with the school since 1930. Prior to his arrival in WHSB Mr Ludlow held the post of senior History Master at Hanley Hill High School for three years, and had taught Geography in the Midlands for some time before that.
His quiet and unassuming manner obscured his hard-working self. He played a full and distinguished part outside school in local affairs and on many Committees. After many years of support for the National Union of Teachers he was made Chairman of the Worthing Teachers’ Association in 1967 and during his tenure of office persuaded the Speaker of the House of Commons to come to Worthing and play the school organ.

Not surprisingly he was a local historian and archaeologist, and made valuable contributions to the understanding of the pre-history of the Downs and of medieval agriculture in Sussex. He was commissioned to write a booklet on the Parsonage Row Cottages in Tarring and he became an expert on fifteenth century timber-framed cottages.
Over the years of service given to the school countless boys passed through his hands as History was a staple subject up to O-Level, many of those boys went on to A-Level and University carrying with them his example of always searching out the truth with an open mind free of prejudice.
He had close family ties with Sweden throughout his life and when he retired in 1968 had already begun a course of study at Uppsala University.