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Staff 1974

BACK ROW: J.C. Wheatley; G.A.Light; J.C.Corin; K.B.Gloyn; G .A. Eversfleld; E.C.Cater (Bursar); P.J.Aslett; R.C. Qutttenton; B.Davies; J.A. Sanz; I.H. Stevens; R. Harrison; R.J. Kenn; W.J. Chapman; J. Hodson; M.L. Graham.
MIDDLE ROW: J.M. Crocker; S.Y.Field; A.R. Hawke; G.H.Addis; S.M.Waller; A.J. Bristow; T.O. Hallard; C. Kelynack; B.C. Henry; C.B. Whitman; J.R. Daw; G. Gregg; R.R. Mohile; P.F. Stedman; R.D. Fraser.
SEATED: Miss A. Hardman; Mr. H.B. Gilpin; Mrs . E .M . Gates; S.R. Kingston; G.W. Corden; J.A. Edwards; D.N. Hughes (Deputy HM); D.R.V. Chewter (Headmaster); D. Knox; Miss D. Coles; L.J.Allchin; D.C. Silverwood; Miss J.M. Dines; Mr. J.E. Waugh.

Ed: I am indebted to Phil Richards and others from the 1967-74 group who have supplied all the names for this photo.

Back row

N Dickinson (Art), x,  J M Crocker (French) R J Kenn (Geography) M L (Mike) Graham (Geography) x, ? Cardwell (Chemistry), Paul Diggins (PE), J T Hannay,  Paul Buet (Chemistry/Maths), Jock Hodgson (Maths), D Knox, Len Alchin (Geology), S R Kingston (History/British Constitution), J T Samuels (Maths), Johnny Gilpin (Biology),

Centre row

C G Martin (Maths later deputy headmaster), Ken Strange (French),  J D Jim Gravett (Latin/RE), R G Osborne (Physics/Chemistry), Rex Harrison ( Maths), C J Charlie Hunt (geography)  , x,  Colin Kelynack ( PE)   Mr Cater (school secretary/bursar), Mr James (Chemistry), D C Luke Silverwood ( French) , Henry Ludlow ( History) G W Cordon ( German)  , Miss Anne Hardman (English), W D Charles (Music)  , x, Mrs Curtis (School secretary) Assistant school secretary

Front row

H O ‘Andy’ Anderson (Junior Latin/German), Dr Edward Burnett (French)  Mr Jay (Woodwork/metalwork, Mr Waugh, John Henry West (English) R P Macrae (Maths) , Sydney  H Earnshaw ( Maths), David Chewter ( Deputy headmaster later headmaster, T ‘Taffy’ Evans ( Headmaster), Cecil Jenkins ( Chemistry), Mr E H (Harry) Foinette (Biology), Max Fuller (English), Rudolph Mohile (Latin), x,  A H Wurr (History), Ralph Cowley (Physics), C E Joslin (General Science), R Austin (Economics)

1967: Contrtibuted by Ian Gordon

Probabaly staff members retiring c. 1967


Ralph Cowley, Cecil Jenkins, Sydney Earnshaw, Max Fuller

Staff 1949


Back: B Bush, J A Smith, C E Joslin, H Jay, J F Gravett, J E Caswell, L A MacLeod, E C Cater (Sec)

2nd: L j Allchin, J Brooke, J H West, W H Turner, H G B Gilpin, J E Waugh, E C Newman

3rd: A H Wurr, C J Hunt, J C Ludlow, R P Macrae, K N Strange, N Dickinson, C S Harridge, E H Foinette,

H G Cooling, R E R Evans, J Marambaud

Front: H G Anderson, M H Fuller, H D Cochrane, G Coombs, J Johnson (2nd Master), J T Turner (Headmaster), W E Ress, L E Littlewood, S H Earnshaw, J R Peryer, Miss J Gaertner (Catering Supervisor)

Staff 1924

Back row:

I Johnson, A V Scudamore, T R Holland, W E Rees, a R H Martin

Front row:

Major L E Littlewood, R G Martin (Headmaster), J T Turner (SecondMaster)

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