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Upper School 1957 to 1960

                                                     Prefects 1957-58:

Rear: TDP Gatley, RC Quittenton, JA Wurr, MD Ross, GE Lumsden, RM Bradley, BJ Richards  Middle: ADM Hill, RJ Townson, DR Hunt, M Bell, AK Higgins, PR Benham                           Seated: KW Reynolds, FD Thompson, CJR Braithwaite (School Captain), VK Diver, JA Myers 

Kneeling: GMB Webber, PS Dawson

Contributed by John Wurr

 Upper VI Science, Summer 1957:

Rear: BJ Edwards, PM Murray, DS Salter, PJ Langelaan, PWG Tanner, BJ Richards, JA Wurr,

        PR Walls, CD Bristow, A Kerry, JA Myers, D Reeves, JH Cowley, PS Hunter, KJ Henley

Front: L Kyle, DJ Groves, PR Benham, KW Reynolds, MJ Baker,, Mr C Jenkins, AJ Pye,

         PJ Roberts, R Cowell, FD Thompson, VK Diver

Contributed by John Wurr

Top Dogs 1958-59

Thanks go to Mick Bell for contributing this photo

Back row: ?, ?, D Markham

Centre row: ?, ?, B Harbour, Richard Eaton, D Woods, ?, Bannister, P Setford, Chris Lee

Front row:

?Mitchell, R Fox, Papworth, Don Hunt, T A Evans (Headmaster), Mick Bell, ?, H Stockford, Ian Brookes

Top Dogs 1959-60

Thanks go to Willie Wildash for contributing this photo of Senior staff and prefects.


Back Row standing L to R:

R Dearman, G R Hill, F D Robins, P Shilham, R G Wildash, M Beasley, M Gravestock, D F Wood, M Fromm, R B Waite, A Stevens, K L Q Read, D Marshall, A S Vincent, A D Braithwaite, D J Simmonds

Front Row Sitting:

R Aylward, P Collins, R A Fox (Head Boy), T A Evans (Headmaster), J Johnson (Deputy Headmaster), T R Mitchell (Deputy Head Boy), R S Allin, D Richardson

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