Scholarship Awards
This list has now been augmented by details taken from the School Honours Boards which are in the custody of Worthing College after having been saved at the last minute during the move to the 6th Form College. Where the boards do not specify the award given I have added the nature of the award when I have found details of it elsewhere.
1935 Cobb L H - Imperial College London - Natural Sciences - State Scholarship
1936 Mosedale P R - Exhibition to University College Oxford - History
1937 Reynolds P A - The Queen's College Oxford - History
1937 Nivison J - Open Scholarship to New College Oxford - Natural Sciences
1938 Pratt N S - Open Scholarship to Hertford College Oxford - History (see more)
1938 Willmore P L - Open Scholarship to St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences -State Scholarship ( see more)
1940 Firkins J I - Open Scholarship to University College Oxford - History (see more)
1940 Crocombe R F - Exhibition to Gonville & Caius College Cambridge - Natural Sciences - State Scholarship
1940 Hastings J R B - University College Southampton - Natural Sciences
1941 O'Hanlon A C F - Open Scholarship to Gonville & Caius College Cambridge - Natural Sciences (see more)
1942 Gill S - Open Scholarship to St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences - State Scholarship (see more)
1942 Taylor P L - Open Scholarship to Hertford College Oxford -History
1942 Squires G L - State Scholarship - Natural Sciences
1943 Armstrong W G - University College Southampton - Natural Sciences
1943 Leedam S D - Open Scholarship to Hertford College Oxford - History
1943 Thompson D M - Open Scholarship to University College Oxford - History
1944 O'Hanlon K L M - Exhibition to Brasenose College Oxford - History
1944 Ratcliff G A - Open Scholarship to St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences - State Scholarship
1944 English S - State Scholarship - History
1945 Penrose A G - St Thomas's Hospital London - Medicine
1945 Fleischmann M A - Royal College of Science London - Natural Sciences (see more)
1945 Horton - St Bartholomew's Hospital London - Medicine
1946 Laker C A - Exhibition to Magdalen College Oxford - History
1946 Millidge C N - St Catherine's College Cambridge - Geography
1946 Lawrance J E - University College Southampton - History
1947 Hopkins D R E - Exhibition to Christchurch College Oxford - History
1947 Archer B V - University College Southampton - Natural Sciences
1947 Cox D S - University College Leicester - Natural Sciences
1947 Atkinson F G - State Scholarship - Arts
1947 Brown G E - Exhibition to Sidney Sussex College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1948 Harper A M - State Scholarship - Natural Sciences
1948 Shaw D F - State Scholarship Manchester - Natural Sciences
1948 Lewis A D - Royal School of Mines - Natural Sciences
1949 Bridger D R - Coal Board Scholarship Sheffield - Natural Sciences
1950 Moss B W - State Scholarship London - Natural Sciences
1950 Worsfold G W - Royal School of Mines Natural Sciences
1951 Abrams P - Peterhouse College Cambridge - History - State Scholarship
1951 Bethell J R - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1951 Bidgood D E T - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1951 Lemaitre R W - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1951 Loffhagen D A - State Scholarship Durham - Natural Sciences
1951 Lanz T F - Royal School of Mines - Natural Sciences
1951 Browning E J - Coal Board Scholarship Sheffield - Natural Sciences
1952 Abrams P - Open Scholarship to Peterhouse College Cambridge
1952 Graham M L - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1952 Jones P L - State Scholarship Imperial College - Natural Sciences
1952 Millard A J - State Scholarship - Natural Sciences
1952 Redman P S - State Scholarship King's College London - Natural Sciences
1952/53 Sargeant B W D - State Scholarship Imperial College/ St Catherine's College? - Natural Sciences
1953 Wootton M D C - Open Scholarship to Jesus College Oxford - Modern Languages
1953 Johnson K E - Imperial College London - Natural Sciences - State Scholarship
1953 Iss E M P - State Scholarship University College London - Natural Sciences
1953 Lamb D - State Scholarship King's College London - Natural Sciences
1954 French J D - Exhibition to St Edmund Hall Oxford - Modern Languages
1954 Burgoyne F D - State Scholarship University COllege London - Natural Sciences
1954 Clarke J - State Scholarship King's College London - Natural Sciences
1954 Hewison R H - State Scholarship King's College London Natural Sciences
1954 Marks P G - State Scholarship - Natural Sciences
1954 Morden A A - State Scholarship King's College London Natural Sciences
1954 Poole M W - State Scholarship King's College London Natural Sciences
1954 B L Wallace - State Scholarship Royal School of Mines London - Natural Sciences
1954 Lanz B - Royal School of Mines - Natural Sciences
1955 Hooper A - Open Scholarship to Queen's College Oxford - Modern Languages
1955 Lawday D C - Open Scholarship to Brasenose College Oxford - Modern Languages
1955 Dawson P J L - Open Scholarship to Brasenose College Oxford - Modern Languages
1955 Hardman J S - Open Scholarship to St John's College Oxford - Modern Languages
1955 McDonald S J - State Scholarship Charing Cross Hospital - Natural Sciences
1955 Dale E C - State Scholarship Southampton University - Arts
1955 Hardman J S - State Scholarship St John's College Oxford Modern Languages
1955 Dawson C J L - Brasenose Colege Oxford - Modern Languages
1955 Lawday D C - Brasenose Colege Oxford - Modern Languages
1955 Clark M N - Peterhouse, Cambridge - History
1956 Fane de Salis - State Scholarship Imperial College London - Natural Sciences
1956 Kerry A - State Scholarship Trinity College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1956 Wayne R P - State Scholarship Trinity College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1957 Moorman P E V - State Scholarship Southampton - Modern Languages
1957 Lumsden G E - State Scholarship St Edmund Hall Oxford
1957 Cowell R - State Scholarship University College London - Natural Sciences
1957 Diver V K - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natual Sciences
1957 Cowley J H - State Scholarship University College London - Natural Sciences
1957 Richards B J - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1957 Roberts P J - State Scholarship Imperial College London - Natural Sciences
1958 Dawson P S - State Scholarship Brasenose College Oxford - Modern Languages
1958 Benham P R - State scholarship University College London - Natural Sciences
1958 Bristow C D - State Scholarship Southampton University - Natural Sciences
1958 George R F - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1958 Reynolds K W - State Scholarship Charing Cross Hospital - Natural Sciences
1959 Webber G M B - State Scholarship Imperial College London - Natural Sciences
1959 Davies M J - State Scholarship - Natural sciences
1959 Simmonds G R W - State Scholarship University College London - Natural Sciences
1959 Stevens T W - State Scholarship Selwyn College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1959 Wurr J A - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Mathematics
1960 Collins M J - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1960 Cook V J - State ScholarshipNew COllege Oxford English Languages
1960 Fox R A - State Scholarship King's College London Natural Sciences
1960 Read K L Q - State Scholarship Queen's College Cambridge - Mathematics
1960 Robins F D - State Scholarship Trinity College Cambridge - Geography: Geology
1960 Stonley D C W - State Scholarship Caius College Cambridge - Geography/Geology
1960 Waite R B - State Scholarship Trinity College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1960 Marshall D J - Open Scholarship to St John's College Cambridge - State Scholarship
1961 Buckingham M C S - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1961 Carter B S - State Scholarship Queen Mary College London - Natural Sciences
1961 Knight P C- State Scholarship Queen Mary College London - Natural Sciences
1961 Levine M N - State Scholarship Queen Mary College London - Geography/Geology
1961 Quinion M B - State Scholarship Peterhouse, Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1962 Webb D A - Open Scholarship to Hertford College Oxford - Classics
1962 Broadbent J K - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Mechanical Sciences
1962 Harding J A - State Scholarship Trinity College Cambridge - Mechanical Sciences
1962 Hepworth J K - State Scholarship St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1962 Perkins J B - State Scholarship Fitzwilliam House Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1962 Perry C P - State Scholarship Exeter University - Mathematics
1962 Tapp B A - State Scholarship Queen Mary College London - Geography/Geology
1964 Lovell R - St John's College Cambridge Natural Sciences
1964 Marsh D R - Queen's College Oxford - Zoology
1966 Brna P - Open Scholarship to Queen's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1966 Martin E C - Exhibition to Fitzwilliam College Cambridge - Mathematics
1966 Ward C R M - Open Scholarship to St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1966 Bray A J - Open Scholarship to St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1966 Cox D W - Lincoln College Oxford English
1966 Smith N F - St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1966 Want M P - Pembroke College Oxford - Modern Languages
1967 Fox A M - Exhibition to Christchurch College Oxford - Physics
1968 Bolderston T A - Open Scholarship to St John'sCambridge - Natural Sciences
1968 Lofts P G - Imperial College London - Geology
1969 Charlwood A A - Open Scholarship to Gonville & Caius College Cambridge - Economics & Mathematics
1969 Martin T C - Exhibition to King's College Cambridge - Economics & History
1969 Clark M G - Open Scholarship to Christchurch College Oxford - Modern Languages
1969 Podger G J F Open Scholarship to Pembroke College Oxford - Modern Languages
1970 Cargill - St John's College Cambridge - Engineering
1970 Clayton A E S - New College Oxford - Music
1970 Long K M - St john's College Cambridge Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1970 Mansfield S - Keble COllege Oxford - Modern Languages
1971 Borgia J R - Keble College Oxford - Physics
1971 Hatton A G - Trinity College Oxford - Chemistry
1971 OutridgeP M - St John's College Cambridge Natural Sciences
1972 Benson C J - New College Oxford - Music
1972 Jenkin C V - Churchill College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1972 Maybank S J - King's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1972 Mollett S J - Trinity COllege Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1972 Tapp C S H - Keble College Oxford - Metallurgy
1973 Lee R G - Keble College Oxford - History
1973 Poole D J Selwyn College Cambridge - Theology
1973 Warren-Wilson J P - Magdalen College Oxford - Physics
1973 Warren N W - Pembroke College Oxford - Classics/Modern Languages
!974 Black A D - King's College Cambridge Cambridge Mathematics/Physics
1974 Clark P I - Gonville & Caius College Cambridge Medicine
1974 Cobbold S P - Christ Church College Oxford - Biochemistry
1974 Lucey A D - Gonville & Caius College Cambridge - Mathematics/Physics
1974 Markland C G - Pembroke College Oxford - Medicine
1974 Soper E J - King's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1975 Havranek J W - Keble College Oxford - Geography
1976 Allon-Smith - Jesus College Cambridge - History
1976 Botterill - Queen's College Cambridge - Modern Languages
1976 Cooper S - Christ Church College Oxford - Modern Studies
1977 kelly A - Wadham College Oxford - Modern History
1977 Sharman N - Magdalene College Cambridge - History
1977 White J - Trinity Hall Cambridge - English
1978 Ducker J R - St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1978 Fuller A C - Keble College Oxford - Physics
1978 Hutchby M J - Trinity College Cambridge - Natural sciences
1978 Sharp L E - St Edmund Hall Oxford - Philosophy/Modern Languages
1978 Woodward D A - Keble College Oxford - PPE
1979 Barns D K - Gonville & Caius College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1979 Chaplin D J - Keble College Oxford - PPE
1979 PickettT M - Gonville & Caius College Cambridge - Medicine
1979 Reading P J - Trinity College Cambridge - Medicine
1980 Batten D N - Churchill College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1980 Kingstone M A - Keble College Oxford - Law
1980 Packer I D - Jesus College Cambridge - History
1980 Rawlings S G - St John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1980 Smeed R A - Lady Margaret Hall Oxford - Music
1980 Wilkinson H L - St Anne's College Oxford - PPE
1981 Dunn S J - Keble College Oxford Mathematics
1981 Foord S ESt John's College Cambridge - Natural Sciences
1981 Palframan S A - Keble College Oxford - English
1981 Woodland P C - King's College Cambridge - Engineering
1982 Pierce M D - Jesus College Cambridge - History
1983 Diggins S N - Fitzwilliam College Cambridge - History
In 1963 N S Pratt was appointed Headmaster of the King Edward VI grammar School in Stratford-upon-Avon, selected from 205 candidates he was the first Head in the School's 600-year-old history not to have been ordained.
J I Firkins saw service with the Royal Navy (Air) in the second world war. He was shot down during an attack on the German battleship Tirpitz in a Norwegian fiord. After the war he returned to Oxford where he won a French Government Scholarship, tenable for six months, at the Sorbonne and during his time in Paris he took art in a radio broadcast about British students in Paris.