News Items
10 December 2018: History: WW2 Service Records: In Memorium: A to B
11 November 2018: History: Special "Scholarship" Places
18 September 2018: History: University Scholarship Endowment Fund
17 September 2018: WW2 Service Records: Private J Butler MM
18 August 2018: HISTORY: Scholarship Awards List Augmented
17 August 2018: HISTORY: Scholarships to Armed Services Colleges
11 May 2018: Wing Commander Cobb
9 May 2018: EVENTS for 2018 and 2019
31 March 2018: Photos: O A Rugby 1938-39
6 March 2018: Max Fuller: Staff Notes more details
6 March 2018: Derek Walker: Old Boy News
3 February 2018: EVENTS: Details of events for 2018
21 January 2018: In Memoriam: R P Simmons
19 January 2018: New Items: Hockey
14 January 2018: History: WW2 Service Records: Decorations: E G Sharpe
6 January 2018: History: Open Scholarships
4 January 2018: Staff Notes: Ludlow
31 December 2017: In Memoriam: R A C Dean
21 December 2017:Restructuring of and additions to WW2 Service Records: Hazell, Telling brothers, Williams
29 - 31 October 2017: Service in WW2
14 September 2017: Staff Notes: C A C Ross
5 September 2017: Photos: School Rugby 1956
5 September 2017: Photos: Old Azurians RFC 1961 & 62
4 September 2017: OLD BOY NEWS: Bill Thornycroft
16 August 2017: News Items: Charlie Woodham
24 July 2017: Staff Notes: W H Turner
11 July 2017: Staff Notes: Finishing touches
29 June 2017: Staff Notes: A H Wurr
24 June 2017: Staff Notes: R E R Evans
24 June 2017: Staff Notes: H W F Franklin
4 June 2017: Staff Notes: W E Rees (expanded)
4 June 2017: Staff Notes: H G Cooling
17 May 2017: Staff Notes: E C Cater
7 May 2017: Staff Notes: R L Austin
5 May 2017: Staff Notes: H D Cochrane
24 April 2017: Staff Notes: T A Evans
24 April 2017: Staff Notes: D C Silverwood
11 April 2017: Staff Notes: G Coombs
5 April 2017: Staff Notes: R Cowley
3 April 2017: Old Boy News: Alan Paine
3 April 2017: Staff Notes: C E Joslin
28 March 2017: Staff Notes: J F Gravett
20 March 2017: Staff Notes: C J Hunt
16 March 2017: Staff Notes: C S Harridge
24 February 2017: Staff Notes: S H Earnshaw
21 February 2017: Staff Notes: H O Anderson
19 February 2017: Staff Notes: J R Peryer rewritten with new information
18 February 2017: Staff Notes: K N Strange: French
15 February 2017: Staff Notes: C Jenkins: Chemistry
14 February 2017: Staff Notes: J Johnson: Maths & Physics
12 February 2017: Staff Notes: M H Fuller: English
10 February 2017: Staff Notes: R G Martin: Headmaster 1924-1947
10 February 2017: Staff Notes: J T Turner: Headmaster 1948-1958